Everything I say here aside from scripture is my personal belief and what I think God has shown me. Study these things out on your own to see if they are true or not.
One day, Satan will fall like lightning to the earth and open the bottomless pit with a key, releasing the Antichrist and Hell on earth (Luke 10:18, Revelation 9:1-2). Smoke will come out of this pit along with locust creatures with scorpion tails. They will sting and torment everyone who rejected Jesus Christ (Revelation 9:3,5). The Antichrist A.K.A. THE BEAST will also come out of this pit to begin his evil reign on earth for 42 months (Revelation 17:8). It will be the worst time in human history. The question here is, WHERE is this bottomless pit located? From my dreams, revelations and studying scripture, I believe it may be closer than we think.
In a dream, I saw the Antichrist walking out of the capstone of The All-Seeing Eye Pyramid. The capstone was a portal through which he entered our world.
The All-Seeing Eye on the pyramid represents the 3rd eye. That is where he came out from. He came out of the 3rd eye.
I believe the 3rd eye is spiritually a female private, which is a portal. He will be birthed into our world through that portal. “CAT” is a code word for the female private part. It's what the word “CAT” from the Caterpillar logo is referring to. The triangle on the CAT logo represents the capstone of the All-Seeing Eye Pyramid. It is the 3rd eye and a female private. The Antichrist will be born out of that portal and enter our world. He will come out of man's head. But he will only come out of unsaved, Christ-rejecting sinners, NOT Born-Again Christians with the seal of God in their foreheads.
The bottomless pit is inside of man's 3rd eye. Satan will fall like lightning into man's eyes and open his 3rd eye with a key and release the beast from within man. "... I beheld Satan as LIGHTNING fall from heaven." (Luke 10:18) "… and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given THE KEY of the bottomless pit." (Revelation 9:1) Lightning is THE KEY that will open the bottomless pit. It will open man's 3rd eye, giving him false enlightenment. This was the symbolic meaning behind Benjamin Franklin’s "key and lightning" experiment. LIGHTNING IS THE KEY.
Satan will fall from heaven with a key and unlock man's 3rd eye giving him false enlightenment. Then the Antichrist will be born out of that eye.
Satan will fall like lightning into man's eyes. This was the symbolic meaning behind David Bowie’s "lightning bolt over the eye". Satan will fall into man's eyes and unlock the beast from within him.
This shirt has lightning bolts going into the eyes of a skull. It represents Satan falling into man's eyes. The skull represents death because man will die spiritually when Satan enters him.
This rapper has a shoe pointed towards his EYE with the scripture Luke 10:18 that reads: "... I beheld Satan as LIGHTNING fall from heaven." It's symbolic for Satan falling into man's eyes.
In a dream, I saw a shark coming out of the center of a labyrinth. The shark represents the Antichrist, and the labyrinth represents the human brain. He will come out of the center of the brain, out of the 3rd eye.
A labyrinth looks like a brain because they’re the same thing.
The Antichrist will ascend out of the sea and will have a fierce countenance (Revelation 13:1, Daniel 8:23). He's compared to a little horn in Daniel 7:8. A shark also has a fierce countenance and looks like a horn when coming out of the sea. This is why the shark in my dream represents the Antichrist. I believe the sea that he comes out of is actually "the see" which is the eye - the 3rd eye.
In another dream I saw shark jaws hovering over a person's head, like a halo. It confirmed the other dream of the shark coming out of the brain. Both dreams represent the beast coming out of the brain and the 3rd eye.
The beast is compared to a little horn. "… behold, there came up among them another LITTLE HORN,… and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things." (Daniel 7:8) Horns come out of the head. He’ll come out of the head like a unicorn horn.
The shark coming out of the labyrinth represents the Antichrist coming out of the brain.
This evil unicorn horn will come out of man's head.
In a dream I saw a cross on top of a church. Smoke rose up from the bottom of the cross. The smoke was the smoke from the bottomless pit. The cross sealed it shut. At the appointed time, the cross will be taken out of the way and the pit will be opened. The roof of the church represents man's head. The cross is a seal that seals the bottomless pit shut in man's head.
I had another dream of a sword stuck in a man’s brain. This dream coincides with the dream of the cross on the church with smoke coming from the bottom. His head represents the roof of the church. The sword represents the cross. The sword SEALS the bottomless pit SHUT in his brain. It seals the 3rd eye shut. If the sword is ever removed, that bottomless pit will open and release the smoke.
My vision of the sword in the brain reveals the true meaning behind The Sword in the Stone. The sword represents the cross of Jesus Christ and the stone represents man’s head. Jesus’s cross pierced into the center of the skull of Golgotha (John 19:17) symbolizing the sword in the stone. The cross pierced into the 3rd eye of the skull and sealed it SHUT. “King Arthur” represents the Devil who wants to remove the sword from the stone and open the 3rd eye.
The Antichrist will reign for 42 months when he ascends from the bottomless pit (Revelation 13:5). Removing the sword from the stone will open the pit and release the beast. In the movie “Hellboy”, he does exactly that. He removes the sword from the stone, wears a crown, and ascends from a pit.
The Devil removes the sword from the stone, opens the 3rd eye and releases the beast.
The cube represents the mind. It's why they say, "think outside the box". The mind is a box. It's also a maze. It's why the brain looks like a maze. It's no coincidence there's a wood puzzle called "Excalibur". The game is to remove the sword from the stone which is a maze. It represents removing the cross from the brain.
The beast will rise from the sea. "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, AND I SAW A BEAST RISE UP OUT OF THE Sea…" (Revelation 13:1) I believe the sea means a sea of people. Scripture says "the water” where the whore sits is PEOPLES and NATIONS. "And he saith unto me, THE WATERS which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, ARE PEOPLES, and multitudes, AND NATIONS, and tongues." (Revelation 17:15) The beast will rise from a sea of people. He will rise from their minds -the 3rd eye.
I had a dream of a UFO pulling stars from a man’s eyes, the same way a fisherman pulls fish from the sea. As it pulled them out, the stars surrounded the man, and his eyes also became stars. From that point on all he could see were stars. The UFO represented the Devil. The stars represented every movie the man ever watched. The Devil planted those movies like seeds into his mind... only later to pull them back out. Those movies surrounded his mind and became his reality, even the horror movies. His world would become a living nightmare as he became trapped living in those movies as if they were real. Movies are not harmless entertainment; they're seeds that will grow and one day be birthed out of the mind and become one's reality. This is what will happen when Satan opens man's 3rd eye.
The alien E T pointed to Elliot's 3rd eye and said, "I'll be right here". That's exactly where he is. He's in the minds of those who watched the movie. He's in their dreams and imaginations, waiting to come out. He's waiting for Satan to pull him out to become people's reality, and they can live in the movie. Their new reality is what the beast kingdom will be all about. It's when fantasy becomes reality. It's when the beast is birthed out of their minds and his kingdom of imagination becomes their reality.
This ad from the show "Falling Water", shows a water drop falling into an eye. It represents Satan's seed entering the eye. It reads: "your dreams are not your own". It represents Satan planting his seed into the viewer's mind. He will let that seed grow like a child and later pull it out. That child is the Antichrist and his kingdom of imagination. That imagination is Satan's imagination, not the viewer's imagination. The viewer is just a vessel to host the child before its born.
This explains the meaning behind the DreamWorks logo. The boy fishing from the moon is the Devil. He plants movies into people’s minds. One day he’ll pull them back out, so they become people's reality. It's also the meaning behind the saying: “let your dreams come true”. One day, people’s dreams WILL come true, but it won’t be a good thing! Those dreams are actually THE DEVIL’S imaginations. He planted them in people's minds through the movies. If you watch Satan's movies, then your thoughts and dreams are not your own, they’re his! One day, they’ll get pulled back out of you and become your reality! I believe this is what the Antichrist kingdom will be all about. It will be a kingdom of pure imagination. This kingdom will emerge from the 3rd eye like a unicorn horn. It will emerge from the sea, which is the see (the eye). Satan's dreams and imaginations will be released from the mind when He opens the bottomless pit from within man.
The stars falling from heaven in the Paramount Pictures logo represent Satan’s seed. They surround the mountain, which represents a person's mind. The stars surround their mind and become their reality. This coincides with my dream of the stars surrounding the man's head and the movies becoming his reality.
The beast will cast the stars (which are fallen angels) to earth and he will trample them (Daniel 8:10). That’s the meaning behind The Hollywood Walk of Fame. Those stars on the ground represent fallen angels that get trampled by people's feet every day. Those fallen angels are the seeds, which are movies that go into people’s minds. Movie stars are the vessels for fallen angels. That's why their names are on those stars.
Stars are Satan's seed that go into the eyes of the viewer. They impregnate their minds with the Antichrist child. People will birth the Antichrist and his kingdom from their minds, from their 3rd eye.
YouTube/Paramount/"Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation"
In the movie “Rogue Nation”, Tom Cruise (a Hollywood STAR) falls with A KEY into what looks like a huge EYE. The Bible says Satan falls with A KEY and unlocks the bottomless pit. Then the beast rises from the sea. Notice the huge eye is full of water just like the sea.
Here's a man jumping into a pool that just happens to look like an eye. It's symbolic.
Jesus was crucified at the skull of Golgotha (John 19:17). His cross pierced the skull's 3rd eye SHUT and put a seal of blood on it. The blood of Christ is the seal that sealed the 3rd eye shut. His blood covered that eye, turning it red. It became a red eye or a "red see". It's the Red Sea. I believe that's where the Red Sea gets its name. Because that sea is covered by the blood of Jesus. The bottomless pit is in that Red Sea.
I believe the word sea is another word for see, as in "the eye". The beast will rise from their 3rd eye. Satan will fall into their eyes, unlock the beast within them and he will rise out of their 3rd eye.
Pharaoh was a picture of the Antichrist. He sank into the Red Sea (Psalm 136:15) One day he will re-emerge as the Antichrist. The locusts of Exodus were also cast into the Red Sea (Exodus 10:19). They too will re-emerge as the locusts in Revelation chapter 9. The bottomless pit is in the Red Sea. They will re-emerge from the Red Sea, which is the 3rd eye.
Scripture compares death to a sting (1 Corinthians 15:55). The locusts of Revelation will sting (Revelation 9:3,5). We associate the 3rd eye with sleep because the pineal gland produces melatonin for sleep. Scripture compares sleep to death and death to a sting (John 11:11-14). Therefore, this connects the locusts of Revelation to the 3rd eye. They will come out of the 3rd eye once opened.
The Bindi dot represents the 3rd eye. It's a "red eye"/"red see". It represents the Red Sea. It represents the bottomless pit. The bottomless pit is in the head.
A camera flash reveals the location of the Red Sea. Not only is it in the 3rd eye but all the eyes. The camera flash represents Satan falling like lightning into the eyes. Upon the flash, the eyes turn red revealing the location of the Red Sea. The Red Sea is the bottomless pit. It’s inside the eyes. Not just the 3rd eye, but all the eyes.
The Vatican has a pinecone statue representing the pineal gland/3rd eye. It's inside a dome representing inside the head. St. Peter’s Square looks like a keyhole. The obelisk in the middle is a phallus that represents “the little horn”/the Antichrist. The phallus and the horn are the same thing. Once unlocked, that horn will emerge from the KEYHOLE.
Dome shaped buildings represent the human head. That's why they're usually at the capitols and places in charge, just like the head is in charge of the body.
The "Aventine Keyhole" is a tourist attraction near the Vatican. It holds a secret message. The dome of the Vatican can be seen by looking through the keyhole. Remember, the dome represents the human head. Combine the keyhole and the dome and understand the message. THE HEAD IS THE KEYHOLE.
The horn/Antichrist (symbolized by the obelisk) will emerge from the keyhole/the head when Satan falls like lightning with a key and unlocks it.
Lighting striking the Vatican dome.
"Paul VI Audience Hall" looks like a huge snake head. It represents Satan's head. It also represents sinful man's head. Inside is a sculpture that I think represents the Antichrist rising from the smoke of the bottomless pit. The sculpture is inside of the snake's head symbolizing the bottomless pit within man's head.
Jesus's cross bruised the head of the serpent (Genesis 3:15 ...it shall bruise thy head). The skull of Golgotha (where Jesus was crucified) represented the head of the serpent and the head of sinful man. Inside the head lies the bottomless pit. One day the cross will be removed, and the seal opened. The pit will open and release the smoke from the head.
God calls the locusts from the bottomless pit "The Northern Army". (Joel 2:20) "But I will remove far off from you THE NORTHERN ARMY…" The United Nations logo shows a wreath around the earth. The earth represents man’s head because wreaths go on the head. The middle circle of the logo is the north pole. Therefore, the north pole is the top of man’s head. This means the Northern Army of locusts will come out of the top of man's head... not just his forehead.
Narwhals (with their unicorn horns) just happen to live in the North Pole. This means unicorn horns emerge from the north pole. Now, if the earth is man's head (as the UN logo indicates), the north pole would be the top of his head. That means a unicorn horn would come out of the top of his head. The narwhal horn symbolizes the Antichrist/the unicorn horn that comes out of man's head.
The Antichrist is the phoenix that rises from the ashes. Catholic priests rub ashes in the shape of a cross or X over people’s 3rd eye, symbolizing the spot where the beast rises. X marks the spot!
Statues of Pharaoh show a snake rising from his forehead. The beast rises from his forehead -from his 3rd eye.
The beast will rise from the cat portal in the head.
What does Pink Floyd's album cover really mean? The beam of light represents Satan falling from heaven into man's mind (the pyramid). He goes into the mind and comes out changed on the other side. The rainbow coming out of the other side represents the Antichrist's kingdom of imagination and mankind's "new reality".
The "Bad Brains" album cover shows a lightning bolt hitting the dome of the capitol. The lightning bolt represents Satan. The dome represents the head and the brain (hence "Bad Brains").
This album cover from the same group shows a swirling hole with the word "rise". The swirling hole represents the bottomless pit and the beast inside is being told to rise out of it. He rises when the lightning bolt hits the brain activating him.
This is the meaning behind the Grateful Dead logo... The lightning bolt represents Satan falling from heaven and entering the mind. Once that happens, the person will die spiritually. The skull symbolizes death.
In yoga, a person becomes "a lotus flower" when they're in the lotus position. More specifically, their brain is a lotus flower. The buddha who comes out of the lotus flower represents the Antichrist. He will come out of people's minds.
This Sephora ad called "Kenso World", shows a crazy beast-like woman flying through an eye and coming out the other side through the pupil. It symbolizes the beast coming out of the eye. The black pupil is the hole to the bottomless pit.
Little crosses grow on pine trees around springtime. The pinecone has to do with the pineal gland, which is the 3rd eye. The cross is the seal that seals the 3rd eye shut. That's why crosses are on the tree because it symbolizes sealing the pinecones shut.
A mural of George Floyd's head was struck by lightning. Satan will fall like lightning and open people's 3rd eye, changing their mind and their reality. Beside the destroyed mural is another mural that reads "change of mind". Notice the lotus flowers (which represent the mind). Connect what happened to this George Floyd mural to the Pink Floyd album cover and understand it's the same message.
In conclusion, I believe the bottomless pit is inside the mind -in the 3rd eye. It will open when Satan falls like lightning with a key into man's eyes and opens the 3rd eye. Out of it will come the Antichrist's kingdom. It will turn people's reality into a movie and a fantasy world. The Antichrist will emerge to reign for 42 months and the locust creatures will also come out and torment those who rejected Christ and didn't have the seal of God in their foreheads. That seal is the cross of Christ, which is the sword in the stone that shouldn't have been removed. How will Satan fall into man's eyes and unlock the 3rd eye? I believe it will happen when man merges with technology, which is transhumanism.
Everything I said here aside from scripture is my personal belief and what I think God has shown me. Study these things out on your own to see if they are true or not.
Everything I said here aside from scripture is my personal belief and what I think God has shown me. Study these things out on your own to see if they are true or not.
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