The Mystery of the Narwhal
The Antichrist is the unicorn horn (the horn of imagination) who will "spiritually" protrude from man’s head one day. Spiritually, not physically. Unsaved man, that is.
If we compared the human body to a compass, the feet would be the south and the head would be the north. That unicorn horn will come out of man’s north.
The narwhal (the unicorn of the sea) lives in the Arctic (the north). It can be seen poking its horn out of the north waters. If the earth was a man, he would literally have a unicorn horn coming out of his head.
I believe God in His wisdom placed narwhals in the Arctic as an analogy to let us know the Antichrist will somehow come out of man’s head. Lost man, that is.
“Narwhal” derives from the Old Norse word nár, meaning “CORPSE”. It’s said to be a reference to its greyish blotchy skin, “like that of a DROWNED sailor.”
I believe Pharaoh (who DROWNED in the red sea (Psalm 136:15) and became a CORPSE) represented the Antichrist (the unicorn horn).
Scripture compares the whale to Hell (Jonah 2:1-2, Matthew 12:40). The Antichrist will ascend from Hell (the bottomless pit), like a unicorn horn. Narwhals are whales. It’s no coincidence a unicorn horn comes out of the narwhal. I believe it represents the Antichrist coming out of Hell.
God compares Pharaoh (the Antichrist) to a whale. (Ezekiel 32:2) Son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharaoh king of Egypt… thou art as a WHALE in the seas…
If we compared the human body to a compass, the feet would be the south and the head would be the north. That unicorn horn will come out of man’s north.
The narwhal (the unicorn of the sea) lives in the Arctic (the north). It can be seen poking its horn out of the north waters. If the earth was a man, he would literally have a unicorn horn coming out of his head.
I believe God in His wisdom placed narwhals in the Arctic as an analogy to let us know the Antichrist will somehow come out of man’s head. Lost man, that is.
“Narwhal” derives from the Old Norse word nár, meaning “CORPSE”. It’s said to be a reference to its greyish blotchy skin, “like that of a DROWNED sailor.”
I believe Pharaoh (who DROWNED in the red sea (Psalm 136:15) and became a CORPSE) represented the Antichrist (the unicorn horn).
Scripture compares the whale to Hell (Jonah 2:1-2, Matthew 12:40). The Antichrist will ascend from Hell (the bottomless pit), like a unicorn horn. Narwhals are whales. It’s no coincidence a unicorn horn comes out of the narwhal. I believe it represents the Antichrist coming out of Hell.
God compares Pharaoh (the Antichrist) to a whale. (Ezekiel 32:2) Son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharaoh king of Egypt… thou art as a WHALE in the seas…