"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." (666)
(Revelation 13:16-18)
(Revelation 13:16-18)
The Patriot Act (Big Brother) was born after the twin towers fell. Cain (Big Brother) was born after Adam and Eve fell. They say the Patriot Act is for “protection”. God set "a mark" on Cain for “protection”. The symbol for “Big Brother” is the All-Seeing Eye. The symbol of the “Hamsa hand” (said to be for protection) is an eye in the right hand. Was the mark that God put on Cain an eye? Was it the origin of the “Hamsa hand”? Could the mark of the beast be the All-Seeing Eye? (This isn't to say what God did was evil, but Satan would mimic what God did, which WOULD be evil - putting an eye on people).
The beasts around God’s throne are full of eyes. These “good beasts” are “marked” with eyes. What about a beast marked with eyes who was once good but turned bad? Lucifer was once around God’s throne but he turned bad. Could he also have been “marked” with eyes? If so (sense he’s a beast) his “mark” would also be an eye -the “mark” of the beast -the eye.
Lucifer is cocky. It's interesting a peacock is full of eyes. Could the peacock be an analogy for Lucifer? If so, then he was full of eyes and his "mark" would be an eye.
How does this relate to 666? We know snakes to hypnotize their prey. We often depict hypnotized eyes as swirls. A swirl looks like the number 6. Two hypnotized eyes would be 66. Three hypnotized eyes would be 666. If a hypnotized person opened their 3rd eye (along with their other two eyes) it would be 666. I believe the mark of the beast has to do with opening the 3rd eye. Learn more about that HERE
The first "apple" computer sold for $666. This connects technology to the mark of the beast, whose number is 666. This means "eating technology" or "putting it inside of you" has to do with the mark of the beast. Adam and Eve's "eyes" opened when they ate the forbidden fruit, giving them so-called "enlightenment". This means eating technology will open your "eye", giving you so-called "enlightenment". I believe people's 3rd eyes will open when they put technology inside of them (transhumanism). This connects the mark of the beast to the 3rd eye.
The Bible says Satan wants to be like God. If God has beasts full of eyes around His throne, then Satan would also want beasts full of eyes around his throne. His beasts will be people who take the mark of the beast, which would put eyes on them.